(Demo) Visiting Limitasca

Just got the demo for Style Savvy: Styling Star!
Yes, Limitasca is what I'm calling this city in the game.

I've played as some characters in the demo!

Here's Reiko, from Fashion Forward.

Here's Clara, from Trendsetters. (sorry, wrong hair color, though she looks good in blonde too!)

Here's Brienne, from Trendsetters. (again, wrong hair color, but it's close enough.)

and finally, here's Rabz! (Lots of Rabz photos!)

I hope to be getting the full game soon, 'cause I've enjoyed this demo!


  1. Stopping in to say hi...finally. I checked out the blog when you told me about it the other night, but forgot to leave any comments, so I'm back to do it now lol

    It's interesting seeing Rabz in a different artstyle! I look forward to seeing more when you get the full game :)


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