Custom US box art for Style Savvy: Styling Star (based on EUR box art)

Because Styling Star is only being released on the 3DS eShop in the US, I've made this box art cover, based on the EU (NSB3) one, for those who wish for a retail release.

UPDATE 11/8/2017: Removed some yellow areas around the "Plays only in 2D" white border.

What do you think? Do you wish for a retail release?


  1. Nice! Though the japanese versions still have the best box art :P

    Personally, it doesn't really bother me that it's digital only because I was going to get the digital version anyway...but I'd still prefer it to get a physical release too, since that's usually my preference. Still, I'm just glad we're getting it at all. I was afraid we wouldn't! And we're getting it a lot quicker this time, which is also nice.

  2. Nice job. Makes me wish Nintendo wasn't gravitating away from retail releases...


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